Starts the Session.
The `can` functions as the AccessKey and is required to access the chip.
iso Dep
IsoDep of an ICAO-9303 NFC Tag
validation Id
Unique String to identify this session.
CAN, a 6 digit number, printed on the front of the document.
open fun connect(isoDep: IsoDep, validationId: String, documentNumber: String, dateOfBirth: String, dateOfExpiry: String)
Starts the Session.
The `documentNumber`, `dateOfBirth`, `dateOfExpiry` function as the AccessKey, required to access the chip.
iso Dep
IsoDep of an ICAO-9303 NFC Tag
validation Id
Unique String to identify this session.
document Number
Document Number from the MRZ.
date Of Birth
Date of Birth from the MRZ (Format: yyMMDD)
date Of Expiry
Date of Expiry from the MRZ (Format: yyMMDD)