Kinegram eMRTD Connector SDK iOS

The Kinegram eMRTD Connector enables your iOS app to read and verify electronic passports / id cards (eMRTDs).

    ┌───────────────┐     Results     ┌─────────────────┐
    │ DocVal Server │────────────────▶│   Your Server   │
    └───────────────┘                 └─────────────────┘
            │ WebSocket
┃                        ┃
┃    eMRTD Connector     ┃
┃                        ┃
            │ NFC
    │              │
    │   PASSPORT   │
    │              │
    │   ID CARD    │
    │              │
    │              │
    │   (eMRTD)    │
    │              │

The Kinegram eMRTD Connector enables the Document Validation Server (DocVal) to communicate with the eMRTD through a secure WebSocket connection.

Example App

The Xcode Project Sources/ExampleApp.xcodeproj contains an Example App to demonstrate usage and functionality.



Set your Team in the Signing & Capabilities settings for all Targets in this project.

Select the scheme ExampleApp and click Run.

Include the Kinegram eMRTD Connector in your app

The Swift Package can be included in apps with Deployment Target 11.0 or later.

Swift Package Manager

Adding package dependencies to your app

  1. Select File -> Add Package Dependencies... and paste this repository's URL into the search field.
  2. Select your Project and click Add Package.
  3. Add your App's Target for the product KinegramEmrtdConnector and click Add Package.


Using CocoaPods

Add the pod KinegramEmrtdConnector to your Podfile.

target 'MyApp' do
  pod 'KinegramEmrtdConnector', '~> 1.0.0'

Run $ pod install in your project directory.

ObjC compatible version of KinegramEmrtdConnector

There is an Objective-C compatible version of this connector in the ObjCFramework folder, which was built as a static framework. This KinegramEmrtdConnectorObjC.xcframework can be used by ObjC-only projects and also by common cross-platform projects (.net MAUI, Flutter, ReactNative) that cannot yet handle the Swift interface. More info in ObjCFramework/

Usage and API description

DocC documentation



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