Class EmrtdConnector

    • Constructor Detail

      • EmrtdConnector

        EmrtdConnector(String clientId, String webSocketUrl, ClosedListener closedListener, StatusListener statusListener, EmrtdPassportListener emrtdPassportListener)
        clientId - Client Id
        webSocketUrl - Url of the WebSocket endpoint
        closedListener - will be called when the WebSocket connection is closed.
        statusListener - will be called every time the Server provides anupdate about the current status.Can be null if user of EmrtdConnector is not interestedin status updates.
        emrtdPassportListener - will be called when the Server returns the result.Can be null if the user of EmrtdConnector is not interestedin the Result.
    • Method Detail

      • connect

         void connect(IsoDep isoDep, String validationId, String can)

        Starts the Session.

        The `can` functions as the AccessKey and is required to access the chip.

        isoDep - IsoDep of an ICAO-9303 NFC Tag
        validationId - Unique String to identify this session.
        can - CAN, a 6 digit number, printed on the front of the document.
      • connect

         void connect(IsoDep isoDep, String validationId, String documentNumber, String dateOfBirth, String dateOfExpiry)

        Starts the Session.

        The `documentNumber`, `dateOfBirth`, `dateOfExpiry` function as the AccessKey, required to access the chip.

        isoDep - IsoDep of an ICAO-9303 NFC Tag
        validationId - Unique String to identify this session.
        documentNumber - Document Number from the MRZ.
        dateOfBirth - Date of Birth from the MRZ (Format: yyMMDD)
        dateOfExpiry - Date of Expiry from the MRZ (Format: yyMMDD)
      • cancel

         void cancel()

        Cancels this session as soon as possible.

        The ClosedListener will be called once the WebSocket Session is closed. The Close Reason will be "CANCELLED_BY_USER".

      • isOpen

         boolean isOpen()

        true if session is open