Kinegram eMRTD Connector

Enable the Document Validation Server (DocVal Server) to read and verify an eMRTD via a WebSocket connection.

The DocVal server is able to read the data (like MRZ info or photo of face) and verify the authenticity and integrity of the data.

If the eMRTD supports the required protocols, the DocVal Server will additionally be able to verify that the chip was not cloned.

The DocVal Server will post the result to your Result-Server.

ℹ️ You must provide either the card access number (CAN) or the document number, the date of birth and the date of expiry to access the eMRTD. Refer to ICAO Doc 9303 Part 4.

1️⃣ Acquire an IsoDep from Android. Refer to the NFC basics Guide from Google on how to configure your app and allow your Activity to receive the ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED intent.

2️⃣ Enable the DocVal Server to access the eMRTD via an EmrtdConnector instance as shown below.


// Client ID Functions as an API Access key.
val clientId = "example_client"

// URL of the DocVal Service API Endpoint.
val serverUrl = "wss://"

val emrtdConnector = EmrtdConnector(
	clientId, serverUrl, ::closedListener, ::statusListener, ::emrtdPassportListener

fun connect() {
	// IsoDep acquired from Android
	val isoDep: IsoDep

	// Access Key values from the MRZ
	val documentNumber = "123456789"
	val dateOfBirth = "970101" // yyMMDD
	val dateOfExpiry = "221212" // yyMMDD

	// Unique transaction ID, usually from your Server
	val validationId = UUID.randomUUID().toString()

		isoDep, validationId, documentNumber, dateOfBirth, dateOfExpiry

fun closedListener(code: Int, reason: String, remote: Boolean) {
	if (code != 1000) {
		println("Session closed because of a problem. Reason: $reason")
	} else {
		println("Session closed.")

fun statusListener(status: String) {
	println("Status $status")

fun emrtdPassportListener(emrtdPassport: EmrtdPassport?, exception: JSONException) {
	println("Received Result from Server. $emrtdPassport")

Read more about the possible Close Reason values in the ClosedListener documentation.

Read more about the possible Status values in the StatusListener documentation.

Update your import statements accordingly.

Version 0.0.14 and before:




See: Description

Package Description the DocVal Server to access the eMRTD via an EmrtdConnector instance.